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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Please read the Copyright Notice and Privacy Statement, and follow the Author Guidelines before submission.

Author Guidelines

Jurnal Manajemen Perhotelan (p-ISSN 0216-6283, e-ISSN 2685-9408) is a scientific journal from the Hotel Management Program at Petra Christian University, Indonesia, which is published twice a year in March and September. Articles in the journal are scientific studies in fields that support the management and operations of the hotel industry. Submitted articles are articles that are not being submitted to other journals/publications and have never been published in other journals or general publications.

Writing Format

1. Articles are written in proper Indonesian or English, it consists of a minimum 10 pages (excluding references), in a single column, Times New Roman 11 pt.

2. The author's names are written in full (without academic degree), centered and bold, Times New Roman 11 pt, affiliation department, institution, city, country.

3. The email address listed only belongs to the corresponding author.

4. The title should be interesting, written in Times New Roman 14 pt, in bold and capital, maximum of 14 words, single line spacing and centered.

5. Abstract is written 10 pt, justify. The abstract content should be written in one paragraph, single line spacing, in Times New Roman letter and past tense. The length of the abstract should be 150-200 words and accompanied by three to five keywords. Keywords title should be written bold. The keywords are written in regular letters with a capital at the beginning of the first keyword and ended with a period, in alphabetical order, not bold. The abstract contains a substantial summary of the problem and purpose of the study, the sub­ject of the study, the research method applied in the study (da­ta collecting and data analysis), the results of the study. Abstract should be followed by keywords which show the basic concept of the study.

6. The article consists of introduction, method, results, conclusion, references.

7. The introduction sub title contains the back­ground of the study, formu­la­tion of problem, purpose of the study, research gap, theoretical frame­­work which forms the base of the study, and re­sults of latest empirical studies. Results of quanti­ta­tive stu­dies should be accompanied by hypotheses of the study. This sub title is written in Times New Roman 11 pt, capital and single line spacing.

8. The research methods sub title contains the plan or design of the study which includes the subject of the study (population and sam­ple), the operational or conceptual definition, the me­thod and procedure of data collecting and data pro­cessing. The research methods sub title is written in Times New Roman 11 pt and single line spacing.

9. The results and discussion sub title contains the results of data processing and hypo­thetical tests (for quantitative study), analysis and dis­cussion of the results of the study. The discussion may include com­parisons to empirical studies which have been per­formed. This sub title is written in Times New Roman 11 pt and single line spacing.

10. Present the conclusions of the study and the im­plications of the results of the study. This sub title is written in Times New Roman 11 pt and single line spacing.

11. Presenting the list of references: Should include all the sources used in the article. The references should be from publications of the latest ten years and mi­nimally 80% of them are taken from primary refe­ren­ces (Journals and Patents). The list of references should be arranged alphabetically according to authors’ last names (with­out academic degrees). Quotation source and list of references should comply with the system of American Psy­cho­lo­gical Association (APA). Includes all the sources referred to in the article. Utilize a reference manager application such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, or others.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses listed on this journal page will be used for the purposes stated in this journal and will not be provided for other purposes or to other parties.